Community Programs

The StoryDome adds an exciting “big picture” educational experience to any public event or community conference. The GeoDome provides a holistic, “big history” context for approaching any topic or issue. We offer live interactive shows which can be customized to the needs of the client. We also offer follow up workshops and group facilitation to help participants integrate their dome experiences into their personal and professional lives.

The StoryDome will be available for onsite programs once our EARTH PORTAL exhibit at the Seattle Center completes on October 21, 2012. The GeoDome is portable and inflatable and can be set up in less than 30 minutes.

Schedule Showings

StoryDome can be used to enhance any community event or conference experience by providing an awe-inspiring experience of new ways to learn.

Contact us to learn more about setting up a StoryDome program for your event.

(c) Copyright 2012 StoryDome. All Rights Reserved.
StoryDome is a special project of NewStories.
Website by Matt McDowell